Shoppe Summer Window Boxes- 2023

Every season, I try to share an update on what we planted our shoppe window boxes with. I love to be able to look back at what we planted each season and I love to learn what does best in our north facing planters.

This season, I decided to add some contrast with color... PINK! I fell in love with these Rockapulco Impatiens blooms at the greenhouse. I think they're the "Tropical Shades" variety but I can't recall which variety color they are! They caught my eye with how incredibly massive they were (thank you Richardson's Greenhouse!). And who can pass up these lush double petals! Swoon! 

I went with more contrast next to the impatiens with deep purple sweet potatoes and a dark "ColorBlaze Velveteen" coleus. I liked how the deep purple/red coleus had subtle tie backs to the bubblegum-like impatiens. The coleus have taken over as the star of the window box and looks beautiful next to the deep purple vine.

I dashed in a couple whispy white euphorbia to add dashes of light into the contrasting pinks and purples. Once these annuals mature, the euphorbia will hopefully intertwine with the coleus and impatiens.

With every season, I learn something new. This year I stepped out of my comfort zone (usually whites) and tried more bold hues. I love it for something different! Do you have a favorite north facing combination?

Hugs, Alyssa

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