My Testimony & The Lie I Believed
Yesterday morning I felt the tug of the Lord on my heart... for the last few weeks actually. I've been in a young woman's bible study where we've been discussing the study of "The Armor of God" by Priscilla Shirer. Throughout the entire book, it's looking at all the ways of preparing yourself for "battle". The invisible battle between the enemies tactics to ruin everyday life for us all. What I love most about this study is it gives us tools of how to mentally prepare our mind and heart to fight against the devil.
I can remember distinctly that at the beginning of the study, we were to write down what we're feeling lead to do and what's holding us back in pursuing what God has called us to do. WOAH. A pretty big reflection right?
After much thought, the Lord laid on my heart that I need to shift my worldly thoughts and problems to something more important and rewarding. Sure, I love sharing interior design and beautiful photos of the garden but I would also consider myself a fool if I didn't respond to God's calling.

I wanted to share a little more of my past and my testimony to bring you guys up on my journey. I was raised in a blessed and wonderful home. My parents loved me and supported me through anything I wanted to pursue. I never felt unloved and we always communicated what was going on in our lives. Because of this, I always felt as though I didn't have a personal testimony; that there wasn't depth to my story. I started to believe this lie- that because I didn't have a traumatic experience or shocking awakening, that my upbringing/story didn't offer anything. A lie straight from the devil.
What God has been showing me throughout the years is that- that IS my testimony. That there IS good and love. I was able to witness God's promising love through my parents and that's something to never want to feel there isn't meaning/depth behind. I have a testimony of hope and proof there is love and grace in a world of ugly.

So catching up to our study and where this places me today. Like I mentioned before, I would consider myself a fool if I sit along the sidelines anymore. I've been called to jump out on the front line and share God's love with others. I have a powerful platform that I am able to share the truth with others ONLY if I apply it.
I feel that God has truly blessed my path and successes. Because of these blessings, he is now saying, "Alyssa, you have the ability to reach and touch the lives of others. Because of this, I want you to share my story of redemption." Powerful, encouraging words right? But it's time that I don't want to waste any longer.
So where do I go from here? I believe that only God knows that. He's building courage and wisdom in my heart that I'll be able to reach more hearts through social media and this blog. I pray for the right words to speak and type. I pray for divine timing that he will provide the right eyes and ears when they need to be seen and heard. And I pray that this burning in my heart will only grow stronger for his words and love.

I closed out yesterdays Instagram story with sharing a very powerful quote that I heard in the past. For me, it was jaw-dropping, good juice that changed entirely how I thought things worked. And here it is:
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience but rather we are spiritual beings having a human experience."
WOAH. Absolutely mind-blowing. Our battle is not against flesh and blood but rather the spiritual enemy! In the study, Priscilla talks about this armor of protection we have to apply daily for the kingdom of God. One part of this is talking about the helmet of salvation that we have to put on. As the brain is to our bodies, the mind is to our souls. Renewing our minds (part is believing the quote above) is a powerful tool to realizing that there's a bigger battle going on.
I'm ready to start sharing and I know God has something very mighty. Yesterday while sharing more, I began to quiver. Not because I was scared but I felt the energy of the Lord pulling through me. I know the devil started to shake.
Thank you for reading through and I hope there was a spark of gumption in you too. I challenge you to speak out about the truth. I truly believe God is raising up an army and we need more brave and couraged hearts to take a stand.
Hugs, Alyssa
I LOVE this Alyssa!!!!!! So incredibly beautiful. My husband struggled with the EXACT same thing with his testimony. Verbatim. And it’s so so true that your and his testimonies are soooooo incredibly powerful because it does show God’s protection, grace and love so strongly!! ♥️ Love that you shared this!!!
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