Diary ·
Meet The New Flock
Good morning loves! I wanted to cordially introduce you guys to the new faces around here at home. For the past several weeks I’ve wanted to add some ducks to our home. Our neighbors that live above us have three full grown ducks that somehow magically escape every so often. They waddle their butts down to our house and play in the puddles. Since then, we’ve grown fond of having them around and decided that us too, would love to add some to our flock.
So without further ado, meet Lolly (pictured in my hands), Lucy (the other white baby), and Lou (the brown and white mixed)!

Aren’t they dolls?! I’m unsure of what kind of breed they are but we have a small inclination that they’re Muscovy Ducks. They’ve been with us for several days and are spoiled beyond belief! I enjoy watching them interact with each other.

Recently I updated our pen situation and I’m excited to share how we redesigned and made that area better for the flock. Besides the ducks, we have a dozen quail that we enjoy for their small eggs. Our homestead is growing- which I love! I can’t wait for them to roam at the new farmhouse when that’s finished someday! Until then, loads of snuggles for the baby ducks as I train them in!
What do you think of the new addition?! Cute, right?!
Hugs, Alyssa
I love ducks and chickens. Love your blog.
Welp we need to get our backyard fixed so we can get ducks asap! they are so precious, I cant wait to watch them grow.
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