Travel ·
A Walk Down The Madison, IN Streets
Last week I traveled to the most charming and historic town of Madison, IN to visit my friend, Beth of Olde Tyme Marketplace. Madison is about five hours from Amish Country, Ohio and I was pleasantly surprised by what an easy drive it was down to Madison.
Madison borders the KY state line and is divided by the Ohio River. Crossing the big bridge, I entered into Madison and was instantly struck by its historic charm. Every turn revealed a new beautiful estate.

Ready to see my favorite house? I fell in love with this brick estate for its incredible doors and window details. I could stare at this home forever.
I was instantly in love of course and wanted to stay longer to mingle the streets. The strip of downtown is so inspirational with bustling life and shops. I was driving back to my Airbnb after dinner at Beth's and it began to bluster snow flurries one evening. I instantly felt like I was driving in a Hallmark movie with the lights blurring against the snowflakes on my windshield. It was beautiful and felt like home.

The last morning in Madison, I visited The Red Roaster coffee shop and drank my morning coffee while watching cars pass. I dreamt of what life was back in the day and felt so inspired. The downtown history is so rich and all the buildings tell a story. Because of the cold snap, I decided after coffee I would drive around and gaze more at the homes. First, a stop down to the Ohio River to watch the steam roll off water ripples in the morning light.

My entire few days in Madison were so incredibly magical and energizing. The dusting of snow on the ground got me excited for the upcoming holiday season. If you ever get the chance to take a day or weekend trip to Madison, IN- do it! Stop in and tell Beth hello and get ready for your soul to be awakened with inspiration!
Hugs, Alyssa
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